Raspberry ketone – What are the uses, dosage, and features

Raspberry ketone is used to treat obesity and is an effective agent for weight loss. Aside from acting as a good fat reducing agent, many people also use this product to apply on the scalp so that hair fall can be controlled to a great extent. When used for hair, it is usually massaged into the scalp gently. Also you will find that this product is used in cosmetics, fragrances, and food. And it is this very supplement that gives cosmetics a fruit y flavor. The popularity of raspberry ketones as a fat reducing agent gained prominence following the announcement that was made on a popular show that said that it is a “miracle fat burner”. Moreover, the reviews that are available on the different websites speak volumes about the effectiveness of this product as a fat burner and weight loss agent.

Dosage of raspberry ketone

It is usually recommended that the ideal dosage is 100mg every day. This supplement should be taken after breakfast and not on empty stomach. And with this dose you can expect to reduce around 2lbs to 7 lbs within a span of 14 days. And if you fail to get results, you can take 200mg per day. The supplement of raspberry ketone is usually available in form of pills. But there are certain vendors that will claim that you will lose 30pounds after consuming a single bottle. Do not get excited with this proclamation. You are a prospective prey if you believe this statement. And never try to overdo anything. It might cause adverse effect on your health.

Essential features of raspberry ketone

It is usually claimed that raspberry ketone do not have any side effects. But there cannot be an umbrella solution for all users of this supplement. This is because the rate of metabolism differs from one individual to another. So, if there are few symptoms that appear in one individual after consuming the supplement, the same effect may not be pronounced in someone else.

It has been found that after taking the preparation many individuals have experienced increased heart rate and rise in blood pressure. This can be attributed to the increase in the rate of metabolism that is witnessed or experienced following consumption of raspberry ketone supplement.


As far as the benefits are concerned, it helps in detoxifying the body and the supplement also acts as an antioxidant aside from being an effective weight reducing product.