How to Help Prevent a Cancer Diagnosis Naturally

Regardless of the type of cancer you are diagnosed with, some are preventable or can be less damaging if you make some lifestyle changes. What many newly diagnosed patients and their families fail to realize is that cancer does not have to take over your life. In many cases, you can control its progression naturally, or slow down progression to enjoy your life with friends and family. The few tips here can help with cancer prevention and/or progression stunting.

Adopt a Healthy Lifestyle

Although cancer is within every person’s body, the way that you live your life could be the difference in those cells changing or not. A healthy lifestyle can help prevent some cancers such as lung cancer, cancer of the mouth, prostate cancer and some skin cancers. Be mindful of your time in the sun and what you’re putting in your body. If you aren’t the most active person, getting in some exercise daily will help.

Stop Smoking and Reduce Alcohol Intake

Smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer, and can cause cancer of the mouth or throat. Alcohol can be a factor in several types of cancer, including organ cancers like the liver. If you are a smoker, develop a plan that you can be successful with whether it is with cessation aids or prescription medicine. Quitting cold turkey often results in multiple falls off the wagon.

You do not have to quit drinking alcohol entirely, however, reducing your intake to a drink or two daily is ideal. Excessive alcohol consumption breaks down the integrity of your liver and its ability to properly filter the alcohol through your system.

Eat Fresh
Pre-packaged and processed foods are full of chemicals (preservatives and additives) that can be harmful to your body over time. Fast food and high-sodium foods should also be avoided. When you adopt a fresh diet, you are getting the most nutrients the ingredients of your meal possible. You are also cutting out the preservatives, sodium and additives used in boxed/premade/processed items. Yes, fresh does cost a bit more, but it is worth it.

Closing Thoughts

Although this may seem like common sense to some, those that are unaware of what excessive drinking and eating poor-quality diets can mean for staying healthy may make some changes. Lifestyle changes are simple and should be done a little at a time. You don’t want to shock your body by starting to exercise, quitting smoking and changing your diet on the same day. Fresh foods, especially items that are high in vitamins can help keep you cancer and major illness free.

Egg Allergies: what you need to know?

egg-allergiesEggs allergies rank near the top in terms of which food allergies are the most common. One of the reason for this is unfortunately the fact that eggs contain so many different healthy proteins. The many different proteins also make it difficult to figure out which protein is responsible for causing egg allergy symptoms. Like most food allergies children are the most at risk to suffering from egg allergy symptoms although many will out grow their egg allergies.

There are varying degrees of egg allergies and some people with them will be able to tolerate eggs in different states. The reason for this is because cooking the eggs changes it molecular structure, and the longer it is cooked the more the structure is changed and this will eliminate some of the proteins. For this reason some people may find that they are able to tolerate hard boiled eggs but not soft boiled. If you are allergic to eggs you should however not test if you are allergic to eggs in various cooked states with out proper medical supervision. Both the yolk and egg white contain different proteins so most people will be allergic to either egg whites or yolks but not both. Unfortunately separating the egg yolk from the egg white is not really possible as small amounts will be  left on the yolk so in many cases even people allergic to only egg whites will need to avoid egg yolks as well

Avoiding Eggs

Eliminating eggs from the diet is not as easy as skipping them at breakfast as eggs are found in everything from pastas to dessert toppings. Baking is a little easier as egg replacers can be found in most local grocery stores and depending on the eggs purpose (liquid,binder or agent) in a recipe substitution can be made in recipes with a little experimentation. Many grocery stores now care specialty line for allergy sufferers making it more easy to buy egg free goods that typically contain eggs.

Egg Allergy Symptoms

Egg Allergy Symptoms can occur minutes after eating them or may take several hours to occur.

Stomach problem like gas or upset stomach are common as well as diarrhea.

Skin problems like eczema are one of the more noticeable problems in small children. Hives and other rashes may also appear.

Asthma attacks and breathing problems may also result from egg allergies.

Anaphylactic shock is the most serious and requires immediate medical attention. During anaphylactic shock mouth and throat swell and breathing becomes very difficult.

Weight loss tips to lose weight fast and effectively

weight_lossWho does not want to lose weight and look smarter and more attractive? In fact may be all of us have wanted to at some point of time. Then what differentiates you from those who have gone ahead and done it? Firstly their determination to lose weight and secondly selection of the right weight loss program. Not every one has the money to go to the surgeon and come out looking like a diva. Nor does every one find the whole deal about going under the knife quite attractive as all have heard about the numerous surgeries gone wrong.

Here are some simple tips for losing weight that don’t cost much money and are risk-free too:


  1. Increase your intake of water: Water is the most important nutrient as it has the power of flushing out all the toxic elements from the body and maintain the metabolism of the body. Drinking at least 10 glasses of water is a must. Start your day with a glass of luke warm water and add a few drops of lime juice and honey to it. Don’t be afraid of the honey as although it is sweet it does not have sugar and ha numerous medicinal properties that are great for a good digestion.
  2. Take out time during the day for some exercise: Exercise does not necessarily mean an hour’s workout at the gym. Depending on your daily routine see the time you can take out and which exercise you can accommodate during that time. It can be a walk, cycling, yoga, treadmill or whichever form of exercise that suits your body and schedule. If due to some reason you are unable to take out time in the morning, try to shift your exercise in the evening. Especially for working women or ladies with small kids taking out time seems next to impossible. Try to put in some exercise when the kids are off to school, studying, playing or sleeping. This way you shall be bale to manage your work as well as exercise.
  3. Don’t procrastinate: Always remember the more you postpone weight-loss the harder it would be for you to lose those extra pounds. If you feel you are too tied-up to start exercising today you are sure to feel so even after 1 year. The initiative to lose weight has to come as soon as possible. The sooner you work on those extra pounds the faster you would lose them.
  4. Don’t start any drastic diet: It is not sensible to start any drastic diets that ask you eat abnormally low quantities of food or to completely remove any item from your diet. The problem with such diets is that they are not healthy for the body and the minute you stop these diets your body does a rebound and the weight comes back faster than you could have ever imagined. Completely removing any food from your diet would increase your craving for the food and you may end up binge eating at the first given opportunity, wasting all the effort you had put in for such a long time.

Surgical weight loss medical treatments

Till about a few decades earlier one only heard of diet and exercise as the techniques for losing weight. However, in todays body conscious world various methods, techniques, drugs etc have come in the picture that claim to give you a body shape you always desired to have. People no longer have qualms of going under the knife to get the body of their dreams. So how safe are such surgical treatments and do they actually last?

When we talk about surgical weight loss treatment there are a number of options:

  1. Lap-band surgery: In this surgical treatment the surgeon uses a prosthetic devise known as the lap-band and separates the stomach into two parts. The lap-band is actually similar to a ring and forms a pouch like structure in the stomach. The bigger part of the stomach stays below the smaller part that was formed using the lap-band. The smaller stomach created by the lap-band reduces your appetite as you would now feel full faster as the net capacity of the stomach has been reduced. This reduced appetite would help you lose weight effectively. The science behind this surgery is to make the person feel satiated faster and keep feeling full for longer durations. This surgery is generally recommended for people who are abnormally obese and for those for whom their food intake is enormous. Also this surgery is generally recommended only if your excess weight is posing to be a life threatening problem for you.
  2. Gastric Balloon surgery: This is also one of the renowned weight loss surgeries that use a premium quality silicon balloon, placement tube and filling system. This balloon is inserted in the stomach by surgery and the objective of the balloon is to make you feel satiated soon and thereby reduce your appetite significantly. Apart from satiating your appetite it also gives you the impression of having a full stomach for longer periods thereby increasing the gap between two meals. The best part about this surgery is that it is an out-patient surgical procedure that takes not more than half an hour. Just a few hours of rest post the surgery and you would be sent home by the end of the day. The first week the patient is put on a liquid diet with high water intake. Thereby the dietician advises you on how to plan your meals for the day that include solids too. You should be prepared for a 6 month regime of a diet program after inserting the balloon. You would be offered proper training and guidance by a team of experts who would track your weight, diet, progress, regime with diligence for maximum weight loss possible. The program focuses on altering your lifestyle in such a way that you start leading your lifestyle in the appropriate manner even when the balloon is no longer there in the stomach. The best part about this surgery is that it is not a stop gap measure. It educates and modifies your life for the better so that you don’t suffer from obesity again in your life.