Although heart disease is on the rise, surprising a number of younger people are experiencing heart-related problems today. What is responsible for this increase in heart disease among the younger generation? Some people believe it is lifestyle choices. Obesity is one of the leading causes along with sedentary lifestyles.
What are the Factors Causing This Increase?
Another leading cause of heart disease is smoking. It can cause peripheral arterial disease (PAD). This happens as smoking causes inflammation in the walls of your arteries. When they become inflamed, this can cause plaque to form in the arteries. Although cigarette smoking has decreased somewhat, pipe and cigar use has risen.
The adults today have spent most of their childhood indoors. This trend continues with children and teenagers spending a large percentage of their time on video games, computers, cell phones, and televisions. This type of sedentary lifestyle leads to overweight children and adults.
It is recommended that adults have a Body Mass Index (BMI) less than 25. However, the way your weight is distributed is another risk factor. One of the most dangerous places for fat to accumulate is the belly. This fat can secrete hormones that are damaging to the body as well as attaching itself to internal organs.
Heart Disease Among Women on the Rise
Women are among those experiencing a rise in heart disease. One theory is that this is due to more women in the workforce. In addition to jobs, they are often taking care of households, children, and sometimes elderly parents. This extra pressure leads to stress that is one of the leading causes of heart disease.
It is important to know the symptoms of impending heart problems. If you feel exhausted all of the time, it may be more than just your job and all the other responsibilities. This is why specialists such as dr mattew klein offer services at Tenet Florida Physician Services.
There are other factors that pose a risk for heart disease. They include high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes. Although some are preventable and others can be treated, often low income, the availability of health care, and making poor choices when it comes to food are responsible for the initial onset.